»url Stanza

Placementapp -> url

The url stanza configures the behavior of the URL service for the given application. This allows for certain applications to opt-out of automatic hostname registration with the URL service, opt-in, etc.

The url stanza is optional. If it is not specified, the default URL settings configured with the Waypoint server will be used. The "default settings" are the URL settings for the running Waypoint server. These settings determine if the URL service is enabled at all along with whether apps get a hostname by default.

If the URL service is not enabled on the server, then the settings specified here have no effect.

app "frontend" {
  build {
    # ...

  deploy {
    # ...

  release {
    # ...

  url {
    auto_hostname = false


»Opt-Out and Opt-in

This stanza allows applications to opt-out or opt-in to automatic hostname registration with the URL service.

Hostname registration is what makes an app routable with the URL service. If an app has no registered hostname, it can't be routed to. The default value of whether an app gets a registered hostname is determined based on the server configuration.


To opt-out of hostname registration, specify auto_hostname = false:

app "frontend" {
  url {
    auto_hostname = false

If you're using the entrypoint, the entrypoint will still connect to the URL service, but routing will be disabled until a hostname is registered. There is no way currently to prevent the entrypoint from connecting to the URL service altogether.


To opt-in to hostname registration, specify auto_hostname = true:

app "frontend" {
  url {
    auto_hostname = true

If the URL service is enabled on the server and the default behavior configured on the server is for apps to not have a hostname registered, this will opt the application in to getting a hostname by default.

»url Parameters


  • auto_hostname (bool: <server configuration>) - Whether to automatically generate a hostname for the application (and deployments) with the URL service. If this is disabled, you can manually use the waypoint hostname CLI to manage hostnames. If this is not specified, the default setting set at the server level will be used.