

Kubernetes uses Docker images for building, which are generated by these builders:

»kubernetes (platform)

Deploy the application into a Kubernetes cluster using Deployment objects.




Annotations to be added to the application pod.

Annotations are added to the pod spec of the deployed application. This is useful when using mutating webhook admission controllers to further process pod events.

  • Type: map[string]string
  • Optional


The kubectl context to use, as defined in the kubeconfig file.

  • Type: string
  • Optional


Name of the Kubernetes secrete to use for the image.

This references an existing secret, waypoint does not create this secret.

  • Type: string
  • Optional


Path to the kubeconfig file to use.

By default uses from current user's home directory.

  • Type: string
  • Optional


The HTTP path to request to test that the application is running.

Without this, the test will simply be that the application has bound to the port.

  • Type: string
  • Optional


The number of replicas to maintain.

If the replica count is maintained outside waypoint, for instance by a pod autoscaler, do not set this variable.

  • Type: int32
  • Optional


A path for the service to store temporary data.

A path to a directory that will be created for the service to store temporary data using tmpfs.

  • Type: string
  • Optional


Service account name to be added to the application pod.

Service account is the name of the Kubernetes service account to add to the pod. This is useful to apply Kubernetes RBAC to the application.

  • Type: string
  • Optional


The TCP port that the application is listening on.

  • Type: uint
  • Optional
  • Default: 3000


Environment variables to control broad modes of the application.

Environment variables that are meant to configure the application in a static way. This might be control an image that has multiple modes of operation, selected via environment variable. Most configuration should use the waypoint config commands.

  • Type: map[string]string
  • Optional


deploy "kubernetes" {
    image_secret = "registry_secret"
    count = 3
    probe_path = "/_healthz"

»kubernetes (releasemanager)

Manipulates the Kubernetes Service activate Deployments.




The kubectl context to use, as defined in the kubeconfig file.

  • Type: string
  • Optional


Path to the kubeconfig file to use.

By default uses from current user's home directory.

  • Type: string
  • Optional


Indicates if the Kubernetes Service should LoadBalancer type.

If the Kubernetes Service is not a LoadBalancer and node_port is not set, then the Service uses ClusterIP.

  • Type: bool
  • Optional


The TCP port that the Service should consume as a NodePort.

If this is set but load_balancer is not, the service will be NodePort type, but if load_balancer is also set, it will be LoadBalancer.

  • Type: int
  • Optional


The TCP port that the application is listening on.

  • Type: int
  • Optional
  • Default: 80