»aws-ami (builder)

Search for and return an existing AMI.


  • Output: ami.Image



DescribeImage specific filters to search with.

The filters are always name => [value], but this api supports the ability to pass a single value as a convience. Non string values will be converted to strings.

  • Type: map[string]interface {}
  • Optional


The name of the AMI to search for, supports wildcards.

  • Type: string
  • Optional


The set of AMI owners to restrict the search to.

  • Type: []string
  • Optional


The AWS region to search in.

  • Type: string

»aws-ec2 (platform)

Deploy the application into an AutoScaling Group on EC2.


  • Input: ami.Image
  • Output: ec2.Deployment



How many EC2 instances to configure the ASG with.

The fields here (desired, min, max) map directly to the typical ASG configuration.

  • Type: *ec2.countConfig


Additional TCP ports to allow into the EC2 instances.

These additional ports are usually used to allow secondary services, such as ssh.

  • Type: []int
  • Optional


The EC2 instance type to deploy.

  • Type: string


The name of an SSH Key to associate with the instances, as preconfigured in EC2.

  • Type: string
  • Optional


The AWS region to deploy into.

  • Type: string


Additional security groups to attached to the EC2 instances.

This plugin creates security groups that match the above ports by default. this field allows additional security groups to be specified for the instances.

  • Type: []string
  • Optional


The TCP port on the instances that the app will be running on.

  • Type: int


The subnet to place the instances into.

  • Type: string
  • Optional
  • Default: a public subnet in the dafault VPC

»aws-alb (releasemanager)

Release target groups by attaching them to an ALB.


  • Input: alb.TargetGroup
  • Output: alb.Release


»Allow EC2 Deployments to be hooked up to an ALB

  • Input: ec2.Deployment
  • Output: alb.TargetGroup



ARN for the certificate to install on the ALB listener.

When this is set, the port automatically changes to 443 unless overriden in this configuration.

  • Type: string
  • Optional


Fully qualified domain name to set for the ALB.

Set along with zone_id to have DNS automatically setup for the ALB. this value should include the full hostname and domain name, for instance app.example.com.

  • Type: string
  • Optional


The ARN on an existing ALB to configure.

When this is set, no ALB or Listener is created. Instead the application is configured by manipulating this existing Listener. This allows users to configure their ALB outside waypoint but still have waypoint hook the application to that ALB.

  • Type: string
  • Optional


The name to assign the ALB.

Names have to be unique per region.

  • Type: string
  • Optional
  • Default: derived from application name


The TCP port to configure the ALB to listen on.

  • Type: int
  • Optional
  • Default: 80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS


The subnet ids to allow the ALB to run in.

  • Type: []string
  • Optional
  • Default: public subnets in the account default VPC


Route53 ZoneID to create a DNS record into.

Set along with domain_name to have DNS automatically setup for the ALB.

  • Type: string
  • Optional