»Waypoint Artifact list

Command: waypoint artifact list

List pushed artifacts.


Usage: waypoint artifact list [options]

»Global Options

»Command Options

  • -workspace-all - List builds in all workspaces for this project and application.
  • -verbose (-V) - Display more details about each deployment.
  • -json - Output the deployment information as JSON.
  • -long-ids - Show long identifiers rather than sequence numbers.

»Filter Options

  • -state=<string> - Filter values to have the given status. One possible value from: error, running, success, unknown.
  • -physical-state=<string> - Show values in the given physical states. One possible value from: any, created, destroyed, pending.
  • -order-by=<string> - Order the values by which field. One possible value from: start-time, complete-time.
  • -desc - Sort the values in descending order.
  • -limit=<uint> - How many values to show.